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Safety & Safeguarding Information

St Matthew’s Church, Elburton, considers the safety and welfare of all people to be extremely important.


As such, we wish to be do all we can to ensure the safety and welfare of everyone who attends any of our services or activities, uses our facilities, or more generally comes into contact with our staff and volunteers.

(A pdf of our Lone Working Policy is available here.)


This also means we seek to always be fully up to speed with appropriate safeguarding regulations, not least those listed on the Diocesan Website:


You can download a pdf of our Safeguarding Policy Statement here.


The PCC (our church council) has approved a number of other, related documents including, but not limited to, the following:

Action Plan for Promoting a Safer Church

Domestic Abuse Statement

Model Trip Consent Form

Risk Assessment Template

Room Hire Safeguarding Requirements

Safeguarding Policy

Serious Incident Reporting

Youth/Children’s Group Consent Form


The PCC reviews its safeguarding guidelines and policies each year,

amending and updating as required, and recording decisions in the

minutes of its meetings.

Should you have any safeguarding concerns, please contact:

Alan Hart, St Matthew’s Church Elburton Safeguarding Representative

Telephone: 07759 821742    Email:


Alan Hart

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